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6) Sousa, R., C. Antunes, and L. Guilhermino. "Ecology of the Invasive Asian Clam Corbicula Fluminea (Müller, 1774) in Aquatic Ecosystems: An Overview."Annales De Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 44.2 (2008): 85-94. Print. 

7) Fimrite, Peter. "Tahoe Project to Eliminate Asian Clams." SFGate. N.p., 31 Oct. 2012. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. <>. 

8) Yeager, Mindy M., Richard J. Neves, and Donald S. Cherry. "Competitive Interactions between Early Life Stages of Villosa Iris (Bivalvia: Unionidae) and Adult Asian Clams (Corbicula Fluminea)." Proceedings of the First Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium (1999): 253-59. Ohio Biological Survey. Web. <> 

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A special thanks to those who have worked hard to "Keep Tahoe Blue" and control the spread of Asian Clam in the USA.

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